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The ETI is a leading alliance of companies, trade unions and NGOs that promotes respect for workers' rights around the globe.

CED Stone Group are full and active members of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), initially starting their journey with the ETI at a Foundation stage in April 2012.

Widespread issues around workers rights are often interconnected with other aspects such as economic poverty, cultural differences and political problems. Global supply chains are highly complex, and it can be challenging for companies in the hard landscaping industry who are committed to trading ethically.


Unfortunately, the stone industry is prone to these problems, and we understand that these issues are best tackled through a collaborative approach which is why we team up with organisations like the ETI.

Through our involvement with the ETI, we are able to harness the expertise, knowledge and resources of all the affiliate members to identify problems, and help develop innovative and long-lasting solutions. We measure our success by the way in which workers can successfully negotiate for a better working life, where their rights are respected.

Across the board, we enforce an ethically constructed ‘Fair Pricing Policy’ and encourage our suppliers to charge realistic prices, not charging so little that their employees suffer. Our staff will always set realistic production deadlines with our clients, to ensure that our supply chain workers are not being overworked.
For further information about the work of the Ethical Trading Initiative or to see a full version of the Base Code, please visit


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